The feed amazon prime tv series 

   Its a 10 episode amazon series that takes place in the UK the whole idea of the show is in the near future the technology we love so much and depend on it will not be control by our phones its will actually will be control directly from our brains.  Brain implants will makes us an organic walking cellphone and computer but because of this the whole world becomes so much more depended on technology making humans more of an emotionally empty amimal, with this technology great challenge awaken.

Amazon had a very good and solid foundation to create a very epic and outstanding tv series that had a very good potential to become one of its greatest hits but as you can guess it didnt. 

    If you havent heard of it i wouldn't blame you , the show has a great 3 or 4 great starting episodes that explore the idea of the brain being Connected to the internet 24/7 the plot was building up into a mystery that was becoming very interesting sadly at the climax of the story its not executed well instead of going for a shorter but more epic series they took the long route that didnt end up in success. By making the story more problematic and adding too many problems and unnecessary characters it makes the dramatic aspect of the series feel force and the action some times feels out of place or illogical just making it it into a very extended unnecessary story that at the end ends up being over extended. 

    At the end of the series they leave it open for a second season that could have potential if they dont focus in too many characters and just try to explore a couple of the characters and instead of making them over dramatic or changing their personality in every episode , the character going back and forth in their ideas makes you loose interest. With a solid story that is shorter and more work to be very detail and mysterious this show has potential.

      Over all this show is a 4 and only because of the unique idea they try to develop , hopefully the story telling improves if they ever have the chance to go for season two.    




The One Netflix show