The One Netflix show

The One Netflix show

Its an 8 episode live action drama tv series that takes place in London very unique idea that takes the idea of social media, technology and dating mixes it up and makes an idea of what the future of dating can become. 

  The show has a very good idea that could of been develop more and had it bring a more efficient  plot, it gives a very good 5 episodes that drag you in into it and keep you wanting more. The issues this series has is the stretching of the plot and creating unnecessary side stories or problems to prolong the show...bringing too many characters into the mix doesn't help even tho they try to make all their stories intertwined  , feels force and doesn't grow naturally. 

The main characters are very interesting at first but soon enough the magic is lost by making their life's unnecessary dramatic, i can actually can compare this show to amazon prime FEED VERY interesting at first then over developed story with unnecessary problems brings a great idea to ruin.

                  Loved the idea and the simplicity of the first episodes i do not think it has a bright future for a long run might not even make it to season 2,  it has a very good foundation to actually create a very successful tv series acting is not the problem but the story is.   

           I would recommend the show but go in with low expectations so you can actually have a good time and dont get dissapointed.i think this show had it in it to be an 8 but because the writing issues stays at a solid 5.  
